Media becomes a threat to democracy: Controls essential to stop loose media
cannons in Fiji
Ranjit Singh
we learn from History is that we do not
learn from History. Action taken by Fiji
Media Industry Development Authority (MIDA) on
Ratu Timoci Vesikula’s reported “hate-speech” and punishment meted by MIDA need
to be viewed from a Historical rationale and perspective. We need to appreciate
how a Western type free and partisan media in the past contributed to fall of
democracy and Fiji’s political instability.
democracy that does not grant equality, fairness and social justice to all its
citizens is not worth defending – that is what I proclaimed in a seminar held
in Auckland in the aftermath of Bainimarama takeover of Qarase government in December,
2006. I have held that view since, and feel honoured to be branded supporter of
latest one to do that is Wadan Narsey, who named me as a cheerleader of
Bainimarama. Response to that later, but he has been critical of the decision of
Fiji Media Industry Development Authority (MIDA), and its Chairperson, Ashwin Raj. MIDA has
slated and punished FIJI TV for breaching strict laws that have been put in
place subsequent to past upheavals where media have been seen indulging in
mischief-making. I know this - as a former publisher of Daily Post, I was removed
by Qarase for being too nosey. I have conducted
a research on Fiji media. Perhaps Wadan needs to have a read of that thesis and
appreciate how a partisan media can be a threat to democracy. [Electronic
version available at: http://aut.researchgateway.ac.nz/handle/10292/2554]
Perhaps this illustration will help bring to reality those who
think the Western concept of media freedom is some religious mantra essential
for Fiji:
“Nationalists plan protest march
around the country are ready to support their leaders and plans to overthrow
the government.
The statement
promised a blood pledge in honour of Fijian ancestors to:
the Chaudhry Government
a 100 per cent vanua based Fijian parliament and ban any non-indigenous person
from parliament.
Fiji a Christian state
a programme of Fijianisation in education, business and the economy.
Mr Butadroka
fuelled the crowd’s enthusiasm with remarks aimed at the Indian race.” (My emphasis)
This journalistic miracle appeared in The
Fiji Times on 22 May, 1999 - three days after Chaudhry’s Peoples
Coalition Government was sworn in. It was reported by an I-Taukei journalist,
Dionesia Tabureguci, and must have passed along the great legends at the
Fiji Times that time, Editor, Samisoni Kakaivalu, Editor- in-Chief Russell
Hunter; and Netani Rika and Margaret Wise may also have been around in the
newsroom. My research and thesis which was a partial fulfilment of the
requirements for degree of Masters in Communications Studies (MCS) at Auckland
University of Technology’s (AUT’s) Journalism School showed some starling
results. Media, as the fourth estate, is supposed to be the last bastion of
democracy. However, in case of Fiji, ironically, the most influential press,
Rupert Murdock’s The Fiji Times, appear
to have contributed to the fall of democracy, and we are paying the price for
it now.
One year rule of People’s Coalition Government was led
by an Indo-Fijian Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry between May 19, 1999 and
May 19, 2000 when Speight’s putsch – attempt to overthrow a
democratically-elected government took place. During that period, sensational
headlines in The Fiji Times, penned by I-Taukei journalist screamed aloud: Rabuka warns on race bomb, Chiefs warn on
Bills, Threats on MPs, State under fire,
NLTB boss warns Chaudhry, Church leader warns Chaudhry, Chief’s paper wants to
oust Chaudhry, Landowners take over school, PM under fire, PM should quit, says
Rewa MP, Taukei workers threaten action, Holy land, Stand up, Qarikau urges Ra,
Landowners shut offices, Taukei vow to remove PM, Chief warns of war, Eviction
time, Racist group in land talks, Tora warns Chaudhry, Bau chiefs warn
Chaudhry, Closure threat on airport, Adi Senimili warns Chaudhry.......and
so on shocking display of sensational and divisive reporting.
It appears that in one year, every form of a Fijian
leader warned and threatened Fiji’s Prime Minister, just because he happened to
be an “Indian”. The Fiji Times
and freedom of press gave ample
opportunity for hatred and sensation to be amplified throughout the nation by
the largest and most influential newspaper.
During that time, new groups of militant and nationalist
make-shift organisations sprang up overnight to oppose government’s initiative.
Their little known leaders with suspect following were given undeserved
exposure by the press under the guise of media freedom despite such utterances
bordering on sedition and hate-speeches. These were also in clear breach of
Media Code of Conduct, and out of reach of self-regulatory and hardly effective
toothless tiger, Fiji Media Council.
Media in general and The
Fiji Times in particular provided ample opportunity for anybody who wished
to take a pot-shot at the highest seat of the country- the President and the Prime
Minister. A responsible media, especially in a developing country, divided on
racial lines would be expected to exercise caution in allowing such dereliction
of ethics and duties to allow such show of disrespect to the leaders of a
developing nation under the guise of media freedom.
In a multiracial developing country where the makeup of
the newsroom does not reflect the population of the country, we can have very
partisan reporting. The Fiji Times,
with a majority I-Taukei gatekeepers and news reporters fell in that category.
I suppose FIJI TV also falls in that
category now. In my research, it showed that those writing sensational and
“negative” articles on Indo-Fijians and Chaudhry government were I-Taukei, who
comprised over seventy-five percent or three quarters of those penning those
news items that showed by lines. Media researchers have established that journalists’
race and own political views crept into newsrooms. Politics in Fiji is so often
mixed with issues like culture loyalties that it could become difficult for
reporters to maintain impartiality and direction, especially if they come from
same racial and cultural groups as those reported on. In a country like Fiji
battling with racial issues, environmental factors encourage an atmosphere of
ethnocentrism and racial feelings within journalism.
While research already shows dereliction of duties of print
media, no research appears to have been done for TV in general and FIJI TV in particular. However its
ownership and gatekeeper profile, points to something to be worried about.
Therefore, it was timely for MIDA to pull it up, bring into notice, nip in the
bud and even punish it for the irresponsible and sensational reporting camouflaged
as news item.
It is nonsensical
to say that items said in vernacular and directly
translated did not carry hate-speech. More than the spoken words, the tone,
the body language, hidden idioms and mannerism of mother tongue may speak a lot
more than the English translated version. If MIDA or a similar regulatory body
with initiative, teeth, interest in national welfare and national development
existed in 1999/2000 when media became a threat to democracy in Fiji, perhaps
Fiji may have seen a more stable politics. That is why media schools in Fiji
have to appreciate understand and value the concept of Development Journalism,
more popular and socially and economically beneficial in multi-racial
Developing nations. (That, maybe later, or perhaps Media Maestro Mark Edge can
add his Canadian bit)
Fiji is not ready for the Western type of cut-and–paste
democracy. Neither is it ready for the Western concept of First World unfettered and uncontrolled media
freedom. Western Democracy and Western Media Freedom concepts have failed Fiji
in the past.
We need home-grown solutions for both, and Fiji’s move
in this direction needs better appreciation through an informed historical
perspective and understanding of rationale for such decisions.
[E-mail: thakurji@xtra.co.nz]
[Thakur Ranjit Singh is a media commentator and post
graduate scholar in communication studies from Auckland University of
Technology (AUT). Electronic link of his research thesis on Fiji media is
available on:
He runs his blog site FIJI PUNDIT at: www.fijipundit.blogspot.co.nz]