is my India? Rise, Indians: Stop your
hypocrisy, your women need protection
Ranjit Singh
I am forced to revisit my earlier posting after yet
another gang – rape in Mumbai and continuing disrespect for women in India,
despite so many protests.
Is this the face of women in India? |
Saxons, White men and non-Hindus do not have Rascha Bandhan festival, vows to
protect sisters: they do not have Navratam, singing and dancing praises to
women: they do not have multitudes of Goddesses who are revered above male deities.
these non Hindu men, these Anglo Saxons and White men appear to have more
respect and regard for women than Hindus and Indians with so many show-pieces and
hullabaloo glorifying women. And in real fact, we treat our women as trash and
crap. A Gold medal, perhaps a platinum one, for hypocrisy?
Are brothers ( read males) in India incapable of protecting and safeguarding their sisters and showing respect for other women? What is the message of RASCHA BANDHAN when we cannot respect ALL sisters? How can we expect our sisters to be safe when there is wholesale disrespect for women with law becoming a joke?. |
pray and revere lifeless Devi, Deity and Mata, yet rape and mistreat out living
Goddesses-our women. Is mera Bharat Mahaan? (Is India really that great? If
rapists become Members of Parliament, then law and justice are really blind.
the Sadhus and Swamis roaming the developed world, collecting foreign dollars
and teaching us about manners and God-fearing ways should go back to India and
civilise Hindus in India first. We in developed countries have laws protecting
our women. India does not have that. It appears justice system in the largest
democracy has become a laughing stock of the world. The supposed oldest
civilisation in the world has to learn good manners, social justice and human
rights from Anglo Saxon countries like USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia
When will our women be safe? |
In the aftermath of gang-rape in New Delhi and ensuing
eruption of smouldering volcano of protests, what came out loud and clear is
Existing laws have failed to serve as a deterrent,
coupled with questionable and slow-paced corrupt justice system, equally
corrupt, unprofessional, ill-trained male-chauvinistic police force and corrupt
elites and politicians who can buy justice, police and freedom from crime. It
is a dying shame for a country which claims to be doing well economically,
which treats half its population with such contempt. It appears conscientious, dedicated and honest
policemen in India like Singham and Chulbul Pandey, exist only in Bollywood
Are honest, conscious, loyal and non-corrupt police officers in India like Chulbul Pandey and Singham only limited to Bollywood screens? Where are they in real life?
Especially hypocritical is the fact that India has
festivals, rituals and mythologies glorifying honour and power of women. The
most powerful deities have been our Shakti Mata, and Durga, but only in stories
and mythology. Hindus pray reverently to lifeless statues of Mata, Durga, and
Shakti made of imported plastic and masonry made in China or Brazil. Yet we
treat our living women in India with such contempt and indignity. It speaks volumes
for Hindu religion, which theoretically respects women but really treat them
like dirt.
This is a call on migrant Indian population in developed
world with more civilised rules, regulations, norms and customs about treatment
of women- USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Britain. Is it true that had
it not been for British civilisation, the supposedly oldest civilization in the
world would still be burning its widowed mothers, sisters and daughters of the
pyre of their dead husbands?
New Zealand is one of the “cleanest” and non-corrupt
countries in the world, including Australia, USA and Canada. Indian migrants owe
an obligation in our fortunate positions to do this and raise voices against
the rot in India. Migrant Hindus migrated to developed countries, normally pray
in Diwali to deliver us from darkness into light, and praise truth. However, we
appear to show silence, in fact tacit approval of the rot in our former home.
This goes against the grain of Diwali message and Hinduism to deliver us from
darkness to light.
For how long will our Draupadi and women get abused and disrobed without any Lord Krishna, in form of Government and laws coming, to their rescue? Is the largest democracy in the world failing their women? |
This is a call to
all women organisations, Hindu organisations and all others migrated to
developed world, which have been beating the slogan of “MERA BHARAT MAHAAN”
to stand up and be counted. Join Indian revolution now initiated by brutal rape
in Delhi, and call for better governance on treatment of women in India. Let
the Indian High commissioners busy in cocktail circuits in your respective
countries to carry the message to India that actions of Indians and its corrupt
governance shame all People of Indian origin throughout the world. Economic
prowess may be there, but as nation, India has failed to protect its women. It
appears to be country without a heart.
For how long will our Sita in India continue going through "Agnee Paricha"- proving chastity through fire? Haven't human rights, social justice and equality reached the largest democracy in the world? |
Rise for your India. Cry, beloved India.
[E-mail: thakurji@xtra.co.nz]
[NOTE: I have been accused by many of being very negative and raising issues which should be left alone. However, I feel that as a media commentator and journalist, I should be a watchdog of the community, rather than being its lapdog for financial and other benefits. How long can we sing, dance and raise flags, hold conferences and forums in name of Motherland, assuming everything is hunky dory back in India. Somebody needs to speak truth in the national motto of India: Satyamev Jayate - truth shall triumph].